now is the time for a national reckoning on race.
We envision a world where race no longer determines where we live or the quality of our lives, and
where all neighborhoods are thriving and inclusive.
to redress deep and longstanding systems of segregation.
The Redress Movement is a newly formed nonprofit organization that empowers communities
across the U.S. to take direct action to redress racial segregation. We work to repair the harm caused by
intentional policies that segregate communities by educating, mobilizing, shifting the narrative, and winning
redress victories. Our starting point is housing justice, but our goal is to dismantle all that divides us and
heal our nation by facing the facts of history.

The Redress Movement’s StoryMaps, designed by our in-house Research Team, provide detailed stories of segregation in Denver, Milwaukee, and Charlotte – from Jim Crow to now. Our Research Team has created these Local Stories of Segregation to illustrate how segregation reflects a collective series of actions taken by various levels of government, real estate professionals, private businesses, and individuals over decades. Though many of us may be familiar with the federal government’s relationship to segregation, these StoryMaps tell the stories of the real people and places directly impacted by discriminatory policies and practices of segregation as they occurred on the ground.
We’re confident these Local Stories of Segregation will be groundbreaking to the national conversation around racial segregation, and will mobilize citizens, neighbors, and activists to join The Redress Movement’s on-the-ground organizing efforts.
Click on the links below to join the conversation.